with English translation 前代未聞 JAL123 520人大虐殺!? JAL123 520 People Massacre!? 青山貞一(東京都市大学名誉教授) Teiichi Aoyama Emeritus Professor, Tokyo City University 英語訳監修:池田こみち(環境総合研究所顧問) 独立系メディア E-wave Tokyo 2023年7月16日 |
![]() 撮影:池田こみち Nikon Coolpix 2013-8-27 JAL123の御巣鷹の尾根激突で520人死亡は、初期原因の如何にかかわらず、その後の日本政府の対応により発生したと言える。機長らは①羽田空港帰還、②東京湾不時着、③横田米軍基地不時着のいずれも可能であり、50~90%は助かったはずだ。にもかかわらず、御巣鷹の尾根に誘導され激突で大虐殺となった。ちなみに、以下の注にあるように、米国ではUSエアウェイズ1549便がハドソン川に不時着したが、全員無事だった。 Regardless of the initial cause, the fact that JAL123 crashed into the Osutaka ridge, killing 520 people, was brought about by the decisions and actions taken by the Japanese government after the plane's troubles occurred. The captain and his crew could have (1) returned to Haneda Airport, (2)made an emergency landing in Tokyo Bay, or (3) made an emergency landing at the U.S. military base at Yokota, and if any of these actions had been taken, 50 to 90% of the passengers would have been saved. Nevertheless, the plane was guided to the Osutaka ridge and crashed, resulting in a catastrophic accident.
巷では数十年にわたり、JAL123の尾翼破損の原因が<隔壁の破損>であるか、それとも<自衛隊によるミサイル誤射>に、二分されてきた。原因が後者であるなら中曽根政権は日本国民が自衛隊の存在を不容認とすることを危惧し、事態の徹底した隠ぺいに走っただろう。 だが520人死亡の世界的大事故は、先の①、②、③の3つの方策のいずれかをとることで防げたはずだ。 For decades, there has been a split in the public opinion as to whether the tail of JAL123 was damaged by a broken bulkhead or by an errant missile fired by the Self-Defense Forces. If the latter was the cause, the Nakasone administration must have feared that the Japanese people would disapprove of the existence of the Self-Defense Forces, and it must have worked to cover up the situation thoroughly. However, the global catastrophe that killed 520 people could have been prevented by choosing one of the three aforementioned measures. 当時、JAL123パイロット(主副)は、垂直尾翼の破損後、進行方向で富士山を右に旋回し、高度を下げ、さらに横田(東京都)、大月(山梨県)を経由し、川上村(長野県)、三国峠(長野県、群馬県、埼玉県の接点)で、さらに旋回し高度を下げ、御巣鷹の尾根に激突した。その間、茨城県の百里基地を発進の自衛隊戦闘機がJAL123を誘導し、激突を確認している。 At that time, JAL123 pilot (main and secondary), after the vertical tail was damaged, circled right around Mt. Fuji in the direction of travel, lowered altitude, and further circled and lowered altitude at Kawakami-mura (Nagano Prefecture) and Mikuni Pass (junction of Nagano, Gunma, and Saitama Prefectures) via Yokota (Tokyo) and Otsuki (Yamanashi Prefecture), and struck the ridge of Osutaka. Meanwhile, a Self-Defense Force fighter jet departing from Hyakuri Air Base in Ibaraki Prefecture guided JAL123 and confirmed the collision. ![]() JAL123の尾翼破損後の飛行経路 Flight path of JAL123 after tail breakage ![]() JAL123 日航機墜落の軌跡1(衛星画像) 出典:青山貞一、鷹取敦 JAL123の飛行経路 Flight path of JAL123 ![]() JAL123 日航機墜落の軌跡2(地形図) 出典:青山貞一、鷹取敦 JAL123の飛行経路 Flight path of JAL123 ![]() JAL123 日航機墜落の軌跡3(地図) 出典:青山貞一、鷹取敦 JAL123の飛行経路 Flight path of JAL123 ![]() ![]() Source: Atsushi Takatori and Teiichi Aoyama, Environmental Research Institute たまたま木曽御嶽山の水蒸気大噴火で58名が亡くなられた遺族の一人が、当初、青山らに調査を依頼してきた際、彼女は事故時、現在の東御市に住んでおり、JAL123の御巣鷹の尾根への激突後、すぐに上空を戦闘機が御巣鷹方面から飛んできたのを確認している。彼女はその後日本テレビに勤務している。 When one of the bereaved families of the 58 people who happened to be killed in the phreatic eruption of Mt. Kiso Ontake initially asked Aoyama and others to investigate the accident, she was living in present-day Tohmi City, Nagano pref. at the time of the accident and confirmed that a fighter jet flew overhead from the direction of Osutaka soon after the JAL 123 crashed into the Osutaka ridge. She has since worked for NTV. 垂直尾翼の破損事故後、JAL123のパイロットは当初、羽田帰還を希望し、その後、横田基地の管制官が横田基地への緊急着陸を提案し、伝えたのは事実であるが、パイロットは自分で希望した羽田帰還はできず、また管制官による日本語でのやりとりでの横田基地への緊急着陸要請もJAL123に無視されている。 It is true that after the vertical tail breakage accident, the pilot of JAL123 initially requested to return to Haneda, and then the air traffic controller at Yokota Air Base suggested and informed him of an emergency landing at Yokota Air Base. However, the pilot was unable to return to Haneda as he had requested, and the request for an emergency landing at Yokota Air Base, which was proposed by ATC after communicating in Japanese, was ignored by JAL123. これは青山の私見だが、相模湾上空で垂直尾翼が破損し、その後、富士山を右旋回し高度を下げ、三国峠の上空で、やはり高度を下げるため一旋回しているパイロットの操縦技術などから判断すると、パイロットは当時十分に羽田帰還、横田米軍基地着陸は可能であったと思える。 After the vertical tail was damaged over Sagami Bay, JAL123 turned right around Mt.Fuji and further, it was making one turn round again above Mikuni Pass to lower its altitude. This is Aoyama's personal opinion, that judging from the piloting technique, it seems that he could have sufficiently returned to Haneda or landed at the Yokota US military base. パイロットの能力から判断し、①羽田帰還、②東京湾不時着、③横田基地不時着が可能であるにもかかわらず、なぜ④御巣鷹での自死を選んだのか? 私見ではそれは相模湾上空でのミサイル誤射だと思う。その結果、事実を徹底隠ぺいするため、日本政府は米軍支援を全て断り、パイロットや乗客、乗員520人を自死させたと思える。 Judging from the pilot's ability, (1) return to Haneda, (2) emergencylanding in Tokyo Bay, and (3) emergency landing at Yokota Air Base were all possible, but (4) did he choose to commit suicide at Osutaka? In my opinion, it was a missile misfire over Sagami Bay. As a result, in order to cover up the fact thoroughly, the Japanese government refused all US military assistance and let the pilots, passengers, and crew totally 520 peaple commit suicide. 青山が当初、JAL123のVoice Recorderを聞いたとき、機長は明確に「羽田帰還」を希望していた。にもかかわらず、その後の横田基地管制からの着陸OKの呼びかけに応答せず、三国峠上空で「ドーンと行こう」と明確に述べている。これは520人超の命を無視し、山に衝突したことを意味する。 When Aoyama initially listened to JAL123's Voice Recorder, the captain clearly wanted to "return to Haneda". Nevertheless, he did not respond" to the subsequent call from Yokota Air Base ATC for OK to land, and clearly stated, "Let's go with a bang!" over the Mikuni Pass. This meant that he ignored the lives of over 520 people and crashed into the mountain. 極めつけは、事故直後、北相木村(Kitaaiki mura)の男性がマウンテンバイクで暗闇の現地に到着した際、数十名の自衛隊が瀕死状態の乗客に目もくれず、黙々と何かを拾っていたという証言だ。これは機体の一部にミサイルの塗装、破片などが付着してればそれを収集するということを意味する。 The extreme testimony is that immediately after the accident, when a man from Kitaaiki mura arrived at the site in the dark on his mountain bike, dozens of Self-Defense Forces personnel were silently picking up something without paying attention to the dying passengers. This meant that if there was missile paint, debris, etc. on any part of the aircraft, they would collect it. すなわち、相模湾上空で自衛隊のミサイルがJAL123を誤射したことで、JAL123の後尾翼が破損したことを日本政府のトップが隠ぺいするために、その後の①~③の着陸提案を全て拒否し、人ひとりいない群馬県の上野村山中にJAL123を意図的に激突させたということだと思う。 In other words, I believe that in order to cover up the fact that a SDF missile misfired on JAL123 over Sagami Bay and damaged the rear tail of JAL123, top Japanese government officials rejected all subsequent landing proposals (1) through (3) and intentionally crashed JAL123 into the mountains of Uenomura in Gunma Prefecture, where not a single person was present. 一つ疑問が残る。それはなぜ機長らは、④の御巣鷹山案が伝えられた際、①の羽田帰還や、③の横田不時着を強く主張しなかったのかということだ。これはおそらく、当時の首相は防衛大臣を歴任した中曽根氏、機長らは自衛隊出身、いわば上司の言うことは聞かざるを得ない立場にあったのではないかと思う。 One question remains. When the captains were informed of the Osutakayama plan (4), why did they not insist on the return to Haneda (1) or the emergency landing at Yokota (3)? Perhaps because the prime minister at the time was Nakasone, who had served as minister of defense, and the captains were from the Self-Defense Forces, they were in a position where they had no choice but to listen to what their superiors said. だが、もし、そうだとすれば、さらに問題は深刻だと思う。操縦実務の専門家であり520人超の命を預かるパイロットが、操縦に全くの素人である上司の命令により、自殺行為に至ったからだ。ただし、パイロットには、その時点で尾翼の破壊事故の原因は、分かっておらず、まして自衛隊によるミサイル誤射だとした場合でも、しらされていない。 But if so, the problem is even more serious. The pilot, an expert in piloting practice and responsible for the lives of over 520 people, committed suicide on the orders of his superiors, who were complete amateurs in the field of piloting. However, the pilots did not know the cause of the destruction of the tail at the time of the accident, and even if it was a misfire by the Self-Defense Forces, they were not informed of it. 本来、国や航空会社はありとあらゆる情報を開示し、真相を究明すべきである。2011年に起きた福島原発事故では、国会(立法機関)、行政、民間機関の3つの組織で事故原因などの解明を行ったが、JAL123事故の場合、いわば事故の当事者に近い行政(運輸省事故調委員会)だけの調査であった。これでは真相の解明は極めて不十分であると想える。 The government and airlines should disclose all possible information and get to the bottom of the situation.In the case of the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, the causes of the accident were investigated by three organizations: the Diet (legislative body), the government, and the private sector. Compared to the Fukushima case, the investigation system for the JAL123 accident seems to be extremely inadequate for elucidating the truth of the matter. |