
沢野伸浩 星稜女子短期大学








Long Distance Run (sec)    長距離走

13- year 
Grasping Power (kg) 握力
13- year  13- year 
Ball throw(m)  ボール投げ
13- year  13- year 


Declining Physical Strength of Japanese Children

Seiryo Women’s Junior College

Nobuhiro Sawano (sawano@seiryo.ac.jp)

Dear Dr. Colborn,

    I am really sorry I have not written for ages. I am very happy if you remember that we discussed the problem of declining children’s physical strength in March, 1999. One or two weeks before I called on you, one of the most famous Japanese journalists Takashi Tachibana had an interview with you. As I told at that time, decline of children’s physical strength is still continuing today. More over, within these two or three years, declining speed seems even accelerated.

    When I visited at your office, Dr. Smolen gave me a good suggestion. He said, if we try to make clear the relation between decline of physical strength and environmental factors, we have to compare the spatial distribution of physical strength and levels of environmental contamination. After I returned, I started to prepare GIS (Geographical Information System) for this purpose. Fortunately, Japanese Map Agency began to offer digital map data with reasonable prices, I successfully arrange every “tool” for analyzing children’s data with spatial distribution. 

    As I also told in your office, each Japanese prefecture holds long-term data of children’s physical strength. Nation-level survey was started in 1964 as “sports test” thus we can analyze the changing in these 40 years. Data are highly reliable because this survey has been conducted under the same criteria and degree of freedom is quite sufficient. One third of total population in the same age takes this survey. Now, I have whole data having been stored by Ishikawa Prefecture, but this prefecture occupies only 1% area of Japan. It is too small to make spatial analysis.

    So I have a wish. If you have a chance to talk with Japanese Diet members, please let them know physical strength of Japanese children has been sharply declining in these 20 years and some environmental reasons are suspected. If we try to make clear the relation, we have to collect data throughout our country. Thus, cooperation of Diet members with good sense is indispensable.

     Lastly, please take care of yourself. Have a good job and enjoy Japanese way of life for a while.

     My best regards,